SB45,1068,43 b. The information is not unnecessarily duplicative of information that is in the
4commission's possession.
SB45,1068,65 (b) The commission shall promulgate rules that establish requirements and
6procedures for making a certification specified in par. (a) 2.
SB45, s. 2311 7Section 2311. 196.14 of the statutes is renumbered 196.14 (intro.) and
8amended to read:
SB45,1068,10 9196.14 Public record exception. (intro.) The commission may shall
10withhold from public inspection any information which would of the following:
SB45,1068,12 11(1) Any information that commission determines may aid a competitor of a
12public utility in competition with the public utility.
SB45, s. 2312 13Section 2312. 196.14 (2) of the statutes is created to read:
SB45,1068,1714 196.14 (2) Any information that is designated as confidential by a public utility
15when the public utility submits the information to the commission and that the
16public utility shows to the satisfaction of the commission may aid a competitor of the
17public utility.
SB45, s. 2313 18Section 2313. 196.19 (1m) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,1069,219 196.19 (1m) (b) A telecommunications utility may not offer a new
20telecommunications service to the public without first filing a tariff for that offering
21with the commission. A proposed tariff offering a new telecommunications service
22shall be effective on the date specified in the tariff but not earlier than 10 days after
23the date on which the tariff is filed with the commission
, unless the commission,
24either upon complaint or upon its own motion, suspends the operation of the new
25tariff by serving written notice of the suspension on the telecommunications utility

1within 10 days after the date of filing. The notice shall include a statement of the
2reason under par. (c) upon which the commission believes the tariff may be modified.
SB45, s. 2314 3Section 2314. 196.19 (1m) (e) of the statutes is repealed.
SB45, s. 2315 4Section 2315. 196.194 (3) of the statutes is created to read:
SB45,1069,55 196.194 (3) Firm increment contracts. (a) In this subsection:
SB45,1069,86 1. "Control area" means an electric power system or combination of electric
7power systems that, as determined by the commission, is subject to a common
8automatic control scheme.
SB45,1069,109 2. "Firm customer" means an industrial or commercial customer of a public
10utility that is provided firm service by the public utility.
SB45,1069,1311 3. "Firm increment" means the amount by which the estimated electric usage
12of a firm customer for a 12-month period that is determined at the beginning of the
13period exceeds the actual electric usage of the firm customer during the period.
SB45,1069,1614 4. "Firm service" means retail electric service that a public utility may not
15interrupt on the basis of anticipated or actual shortages of electric capacity within
16a control area.
SB45,1069,1817 5. "Interruptible customer" means an industrial or commercial customer of a
18public utility that is provided interruptible service by the public utility.
SB45,1069,2119 6. "Interruptible service" means retail electric service that a public utility may
20interrupt on the basis of anticipated or actual shortages of electric capacity within
21a control area.
SB45,1070,222 (b) Notwithstanding ss. 196.03, 196.19, 196.20, 196.21, 196.22, 196.37, 196.60
23and 196.604, the commission may approve the filing of a tariff that allows a firm
24customer to enter into contracts to sell a firm increment to an interruptible customer
25in the same control area if the commission determines that such sales by a firm

1customer will contribute to energy conservation and load management that are
2designed to reduce the energy needs of firm customers.
SB45,1070,83 (c) If the commission approves the filing of a tariff specified in par. (b) and a firm
4customer provides written notice to the public utility that filed the tariff that the firm
5customer has entered into a contract specified in par. (b) with an interruptible
6customer, the public utility shall, for each unit of firm increment that the firm
7customer sells to the interruptible customer under the contract, do each of the
8following for the duration of the contract period:
SB45,1070,119 1. Reduce the amount of firm service that it provides to the firm customer by
10the amount of each unit and provide interruptible service to the firm customer in the
11amount of each unit.
SB45,1070,1312 2. Provide firm service to the interruptible customer in amount equal to 80%
13of each unit.
SB45,1070,1514 (d) A notice under par. (c) shall describe the terms of a contract specified in par.
15(b), including the duration of the contract period.
SB45,1070,1816 (e) The commission shall promulgate rules establishing requirements and
17procedures for sales of firm increment under a tariff approved under par. (b),
18including requirements for determining an amount of firm increment.
SB45, s. 2316 19Section 2316. 196.218 (1) (a) and (b) of the statutes are repealed.
SB45, s. 2317 20Section 2317. 196.218 (3) (a) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,1071,321 196.218 (3) (a) 3. The commission shall designate the method by which the
22contributions under this paragraph shall be calculated and collected. The method
23shall ensure that the contributions are sufficient to generate the amounts
24appropriated necessary to fully fund the appropriations under ss. 20.155 (1) (q),
2520.275 (1) (s), (t) and (tm) and 20.285 (1) (q). Contributions may be based only on the

1gross operating revenues from the provision of broadcast services identified by the
2commission under subd. 2. and on intrastate telecommunications services in this
3state of the telecommunications providers subject to the contribution.
SB45, s. 2318 4Section 2318. 196.218 (4r) (title) of the statutes is renumbered 44.73 (title).
SB45, s. 2319 5Section 2319. 196.218 (4r) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is repealed.
SB45, s. 2320 6Section 2320. 196.218 (4r) (a) 1. of the statutes is renumbered 44.70 (1m).
SB45, s. 2321 7Section 2321. 196.218 (4r) (a) 2. and 2m. of the statutes are renumbered 44.70
8(3g) and (3j).
SB45, s. 2322 9Section 2322. 196.218 (4r) (a) 3. of the statutes is renumbered 44.70 (6).
SB45, s. 2323 10Section 2323. 196.218 (4r) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 44.73 (1) and
11amended to read:
SB45,1071,1612 44.73 (1) The commission board, in consultation with the department and the
, shall promulgate rules establishing an educational telecommunications
14access program to provide school districts, private schools, cooperative educational
15service agencies, technical college districts, private colleges and public library
educational agencies with access to data lines and video links.
SB45, s. 2324 17Section 2324. 196.218 (4r) (c) (intro.), 1., 2., 3. and 4. of the statutes are
18renumbered 44.73 (2) (intro.), (a), (b), (c) and (d) and amended to read:
SB45,1071,2019 44.73 (2) (intro.) The rules promulgated under par. (b) sub. (1) shall do all of
20the following:
SB45,1072,521 (a) Allow a school district, private school, cooperative educational service
22agency, technical college district, private college and public library board
23educational agency
to make a request to the board for access to either one data line
24or one video link, except that if any educational agency may request access to
25additional data lines if the agency shows to the satisfaction of the board that the

1additional data lines are more cost-effective than a single data line and except that

2a school district that operates more than one high school the rules shall allow the
3school district to
may request access to both a data line and a video link and to request
4access to more than one data line or video link. The board shall forward requests
5received under this subdivision to the commission and the department.
SB45,1072,126 (b) Establish eligibility requirements for a school district, private school,
7cooperative educational service agency, technical college district, private college and
8public library board
an educational agency to participate in the program established
9under par. (b). The requirements shall prohibit a participant in the program from
10receiving assistance from the universal service fund for the purpose specified in sub.
11(5) (a) 3. for educational telecommunications access that is substantially similar to
12the access provided to the participant under the program
sub. (1).
SB45,1072,1613 (c) Establish specifications for a data line or lines and video link that links for
14which access
is provided to a school district, private school, cooperative educational
15service agency, technical college district, private college and public library board
16educational agency
under the program established under par. (b) sub. (1).
SB45,1072,2517 (d) Require a school district, private school, cooperative educational service
18agency, technical college district, private college and public library board
19educational agency
to pay the department not more than $250 per month for each
20data line or video link that is provided to the school district, private school,
21cooperative educational service agency, technical college district, private college and
22public library board
educational agency under the program established under par.
sub. (1), except that the charge may not exceed $100 per month for each data line
24or video link that relies on a transport medium that operates at a speed of 1.544
25megabits per second.
SB45, s. 2325
1Section 2325. 196.218 (4r) (c) 5. of the statutes is renumbered 44.73 (2) (e).
SB45, s. 2326 2Section 2326. 196.218 (4r) (d) of the statutes is renumbered 44.73 (3) and
3amended to read:
SB45,1073,74 44.73 (3) The commission board shall submit an annual report to the board
5department on the status of providing data lines and video links that are requested
6under par. (c) 1. sub. (2) (a) and the impact on the universal service fund of any
7payment under sub. (5) (a) 5. contracts under s. 16.974 (7).
SB45, s. 2327 8Section 2327. 196.218 (4r) (e) of the statutes is renumbered 44.73 (4) and
9amended to read:
SB45,1073,1610 44.73 (4) If the federal communications commission promulgates or modifies
11rules that provide rate discounts for telecommunications services to school districts,
12private schools, cooperative educational service agencies, technical college districts,
13private colleges or public library boards
educational agencies under 47 USC 254, the
14governor shall submit a report to the joint committee on finance that includes any
15recommended changes to statutes or rules with respect to funding the program
16established under par. (b) sub. (1).
SB45, s. 2328 17Section 2328. 196.218 (4r) (f) of the statutes is renumbered 44.73 (5) and
18amended to read:
SB45,1074,219 44.73 (5) Notwithstanding pars. (b) and (c) subs. (1) and (2), technical college
20districts are not eligible to participate in the program established under par. (b) sub.
before April 1, 1998. In consultation with the commission, the The board shall
22determine by April 1, 1998, whether there are sufficient moneys in the appropriation
23under s. 20.275 (1) (s) (t) to include technical college districts in the program
24established under par. (b) sub. (1). If the board determines that there are sufficient

1moneys, technical college districts are eligible to participate in the program
2established under par. (b) sub. (1) beginning on April 1, 1998.
SB45, s. 2329 3Section 2329. 196.218 (4r) (g) of the statutes is renumbered 44.73 (6) and
4amended to read:
SB45,1074,185 44.73 (6) From the appropriation under s. 20.275 (1) (s) or (tm), the board may
6award an annual grant to a school district or private school that had in effect on
7October 14, 1997, a contract for access to a data line or video link, as documented by
8the commission board. The board shall determine the amount of the grant, which
9shall be equal to the cost incurred by the state to provide telecommunications access
10to a school district or private school under a contract entered into under s. 16.974 (7)
11(a) or (c) less the amount that the school district or private school would be paying
12under par. (c) 4. sub. (2) (d) if the school district or private school were participating
13in the program established under par. (b) sub. (1), except that the amount may not
14be greater than the cost that a school district or private school incurs under the
15contract in effect on October 14, 1997. A school district or private school receiving
16a grant under this paragraph subsection is not eligible to participate in the program
17under par. (b) sub. (1). No grant may be awarded under this paragraph subsection
18after June 30, 2002.
SB45, s. 2330 19Section 2330. 196.218 (5) (a) 3. of the statutes is repealed.
SB45, s. 2331 20Section 2331. 196.218 (5) (a) 5. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,1074,2521 196.218 (5) (a) 5. To pay costs incurred under contracts under s. 16.974 (7) to
22the extent that these costs are not paid under sub. (4r) (c) 4. s. 44.73 (2) (d), except
23that no moneys in the universal service fund may be used to pay installation costs
24that are necessary for a political subdivision to obtain access to bandwidth under a
25shared service agreement under s. 44.73 (2r) (a).
SB45, s. 2332
1Section 2332. 196.218 (5) (a) 7. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,1075,42 196.218 (5) (a) 7. To make grants awarded by the technology for educational
3achievement in Wisconsin
board to school districts and private schools under sub.
4(4r) (g)
s. 44.73 (6). This subdivision does not apply after June 30, 2002.
SB45, s. 2333 5Section 2333. 196.218 (5m) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,1075,86 196.218 (5m) Rule review. Except for rules promulgated under sub. (4r) (b),
At least biennially, the commission shall review and revise as appropriate rules
8promulgated under this section.
SB45, s. 2334 9Section 2334. 196.218 (6) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,1075,1310 196.218 (6) (b) The universal service fund council shall advise the commission
11concerning the administration of this section and the content of rules promulgated
12under this section. This paragraph does not apply to the administration of sub. (4r)
13and rules promulgated under sub. (4r) (b).
SB45, s. 2335 14Section 2335. 196.315 of the statutes is created to read:
SB45,1075,20 15196.315 Prohibitions in certain proceedings. (1) No person may make
16any filing, including a complaint, in a proceeding under s. 196.26, 196.28 or 196.30
17unless there is a nonfrivolous basis for doing so. A person may not make any filing,
18including a complaint, in a proceeding under s. 196.26, 196.28 or 196.30 unless, to
19the best of the person's knowledge, information and belief, formed after a reasonable
20inquiry, all of the following conditions are satisfied:
SB45,1075,2121 (a) The filing is reasonably supported by applicable law.
SB45,1075,2422 (b) The allegations and other factual contentions in the filing have evidentiary
23support or, if specifically so identified in the filing, are likely to have evidentiary
24support after reasonable opportunity for further investigation or discovery.
SB45,1075,2525 (c) The filing is not intended to harass any other party to the proceeding.
1(d) The filing is not intended to create a needless increase in the cost of
SB45,1076,8 3(2) No later than 60 days after a complaint is filed under s. 196.26 or 196.30,
4the commission shall determine whether the complaint has been filed in violation of
5sub. (1). If, after notice and opportunity for hearing, the commission determines
6under this subsection that a person has filed a complaint in violation of sub. (1), the
7commission shall terminate the proceeding on the complaint and proceed under sub.
SB45,1076,12 9(3) If, at any time during a proceeding under s. 196.26, 196.28 or 196.30, the
10commission determines, after notice and reasonable opportunity to be heard, that a
11person has made a filing in violation of sub. (1), including the filing of a complaint,
12the commission shall proceed under sub. (4).
SB45,1077,2 13(4) If the commission determines that a person has violated sub. (1), the
14commission shall order the person to pay to any party to the proceeding the amount
15of reasonable expenses incurred by that party because of the filing, including
16reasonable attorney fees, and the commission may directly assess a forfeiture
17against the person of not less than $25 nor more than $5,000. A person against whom
18the commission assesses a forfeiture under this subsection shall pay the forfeiture
19to the commission within 10 days after receipt of notice of the assessment or, if the
20person petitions for judicial review under ch. 227, within 10 days after receipt of the
21final decision after exhaustion of judicial review. The commission shall remit all
22forfeitures paid under this subsection to the state treasurer for deposit in the school
23fund. The attorney general may bring an action in the name of the state to collect
24any forfeiture assessed by the commission under this subsection that has not been

1paid as provided in this subsection. The only contestable issue in such an action is
2whether or not the forfeiture has been paid.
SB45, s. 2336 3Section 2336. 196.77 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,1077,13 4196.77 Promotional rates. Except as provided in this section, nothing in this
5chapter prohibits a telecommunications utility from filing a tariff to make a limited
6offering of promotional rates. A promotional rate under this section shall take effect
7automatically at the time specified in the tariff but not earlier than 10 days after the
8date the tariff is filed with the commission
unless the commission authorizes an
9earlier effective date or
suspends the tariff within 10 days after the date on which
10it is filed. The commission may suspend a tariff if it believes that the tariff violates
11s. 196.204, 196.209 or 196.219. If the commission suspends a tariff, it shall
12investigate and resolve the matter within 60 days after the date on which the tariff
13is suspended or the tariff shall be effective as filed.
SB45, s. 2337 14Section 2337. 214.01 (1) (im) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,1077,1515 214.01 (1) (im) "Division" means the division of savings and loan institutions.
SB45, s. 2338 16Section 2338. 214.592 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,1077,20 17214.592 Financially related services tie-ins. In any transaction conducted
18by a savings bank, a savings bank holding company or a subsidiary of either with a
19customer who is also a customer of any other subsidiary of any of them, the customer
20shall be given a notice in 12-point boldface type in substantially the following form:
SB45,1078,222 This company, .... (insert name and address of savings bank, savings bank
23holding company or subsidiary), is related to .... (insert name and address of savings
24bank, savings bank holding company or subsidiary) of which you are also a customer.

1You may not be compelled to buy any product or service from either of the above
2companies or any other related company in order to participate in this transaction.
SB45,1078,73 If you feel that you have been compelled to buy any product or service from
4either of the above companies or any other related company in order to participate
5in this transaction, you should contact the management of either of the above
6companies at either of the above addresses or the division of savings and loan
7institutions at .... (insert address).
SB45, s. 2339 8Section 2339. 215.01 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,1078,99 215.01 (6) "Division" means the division of savings and loan institutions.
SB45, s. 2340 10Section 2340. 215.02 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,1078,11 11215.02 (title) Division of savings and loan institutions.
SB45, s. 2341 12Section 2341. 215.141 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,1078,17 13215.141 Financially related services tie-ins. In any transaction conducted
14by an association, a savings and loan holding company or a subsidiary of either with
15a customer who is also a customer of any other subsidiary of any of them, the
16customer shall be given a notice in 12-point boldface type in substantially the
17following form:
SB45,1078,2419 This company, ..... (insert name and address of association, savings and loan
20holding company or subsidiary), is related to ..... (insert name and address of
21association, savings and loan holding company or subsidiary) of which you are also
22a customer. You may not be compelled to buy any product or service from either of
23the above companies or any other related company in order to participate in this
1If you feel that you have been compelled to buy any product or service from
2either of the above companies or any other related company in order to participate
3in this transaction, you should contact the management of either of the above
4companies at either of the above addresses or the division of savings and loan
5institutions at .... (insert address).
SB45, s. 2342 6Section 2342. 218.015 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,1079,127 218.015 (7) In Except as provided in s. 893.83, in addition to pursuing any other
8remedy, a consumer may bring an action to recover for any damages caused by a
9violation of this section. The court shall award a consumer who prevails in such an
10action twice the amount of any pecuniary loss, together with costs, disbursements
11and reasonable attorney fees, and any equitable relief the court determines
SB45, s. 2343 13Section 2343. 220.04 (9) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,1079,1614 220.04 (9) (a) 2. "Regulated entity" means a bank, universal bank, trust
15company bank and any other entity which is described in s. 220.02 (2) or 221.0526
16as under the supervision and control of the division.